Since Boris Cyrulnik coined the term 'Resilience Tutor' a few years ago, references to the figure, as well as questions, have increasingly followed one after the other. Initially, allusions to the 'Resilience Tutor' refer to a person who, sometimes unconsciously, unconditionally accompanies someone who is facing a traumatic situation; in such a way that his or her simple presence and bond, often silent, provokes in the latter a real convulsion at all levels (neuronal, metabolic, affective, bodily). In other words, the 'Resilience Tutor' helps the person to re-signify his or her traumas. In this book the authors have tried to show the two faces of a 'Resilience Tutor'. On the one hand, the theoretical knowledge that every tutor should have, and on the other hand, a novel account of the reflections and experiences that the authors have had in their last years as 'Resilience Tutors'.