In the fifteenth century, the former Walachia, now known as Transylvania, was the scene of bloody battles between Turks, Christians and people of this region, among others, Slavs, Macedonians, Serbs and Croats. This is the story of Vlad III Dracul, known by his contemporaries the "impale" who, in the midst of this fighting mercilessly, fought with such means for the independence of his country that is still recalls his boundless cruelty. It is, among many other dreadful details, which used to have lunch surrounded by prisoners dying pierced by a stick. The road that leads from the real story until the legend is dark and tortuous, but it is not surprising that in the nineteenth century the Irish writer Bram Stoker was modeled on the bloodthirsty Prince Vlad Dracul to conceive the figure of Count Dracula, bloodthirsty, and that in the twentieth century, the film become one of our most terrifying myths.