Aristocrat, elegant and possessor of an innate charm, Michael Anstruther-Wetherby is a prominent member of Parliament. His relationship with the rich and influential Cynster (his sister is married to Devil Cynster, the Duke of St.. Ives) suggests that the future is assured. But it lacks a wife. Michael is released to the search for the ideal bride: a young woman from a good family to which shape at will and, if possible, with political contacts. When discovered similar Dechen of virtues, it faces an obstacle: the aunt of the young, beautiful and determined Caroline Sutcliffe. Caro is a woman with style and a good position, but has already gone through an unhappy marriage based on political expediency and does not want the same fate for her niece. Next to it, Caro urdir a plan that is hopelessly complicated, thus endangering his own happiness.