Un libro que cambiar\u00e1 tu manera de vivir el trabajo.<\/b>
Una historia que revolucionar\u00e1 tu forma de concebir las empresas.<\/b>
Un personaje inolvidable que transformar\u00e1 tu visi\u00f3n de la vida para siempre.
>Enseguida se encuentra con un muro de hormig\u00f3n: la resistencia al cambio del consultor jefe, el iracundo Ignacio Iranzo. A partir de ah\u00ed, se libra una lucha de poder entre ambos, un pulso entre lo viejo y lo nuevo, el cual pone en jaque el necesario proceso de transformaci\u00f3n cultural de la organizaci\u00f3n. A su vez, Pr\u00edncipe intentar\u00e1 inspirar al presidente de la compa\u00f1\u00eda, el miedoso Jordi Amor\u00f3s, para que haga algo revolucionario: conseguir que el objetivo de la empresa no sea el af\u00e1n de lucro, sino crear riqueza de forma \u00edntegra y \u00e9tica, ganando dinero como resultado. «El mundo entero se aparta cuando ve pasar<\/b> a un hombre que sabe hacia d\u00f3nde va.' -ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUP\u00c9RY ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A book that will change the way you see your work life. A story that will transform the way you think about companies. An unforgettable character that will forever change the way you view life. <\/b>This fable which is based on real events tells the story of Pablo Prince, a rebellious and visionary young man who, after suffering an existential crisis, discovers his life purpose. Then, after returning from an epic journey through Madagascar, he becomes the new head of personnel and assets in a company marked by conflicts and internal distress. As soon as he arrives, he teaches a personal growth course to develop the potential, talent, and creativity of all the workers. Right away he runs into a dead end: resistance to change from one of the chief consultants, the irate Ignacio Iranzo. From then on, a power struggle begins between the two, a clash between the old and the new, which puts in check a much needed cultural transformation within the organization. In turn, Prince will try to inspire the president of the company, the fearful Jordi Amoros, to do something revolutionary: to ensure that the objective of the company is not profit driven, but rather to create wealth in an integral and ethical way, where earning money is more of a collateral outcome.<\/P>"