Joan Gallardo nos revela los 6 obstáculos hacia la felicidad y nos invita a derribarlos, iniciando un proceso de transformación a partir del autoconocimiento.
"Quién no querría ser feliz o, al menos, serlo un poco más?
El ser humano busca la felicidad como busca saciar el hambre o la sed. Sin embargo, faltan respuestas y, sobre todo, faltan muchas preguntas.
>*Te mostraré lo que he aprendido sobre la felicidad (y sobre la infelicidad).
*Te enseñaré a responsabilizarte de tu vida y te harás más fuerte en el proceso.
*Te revelaré los 6 obstáculos hacia la felicidad.
>Espero darte el impulso y la esperanza necesarios para convencerte de que vale la pena intentarlo una vez más. Todos merecemos ser felices.
Regálate una nueva oportunidad y emprendamos juntos este viaje.
No te arrepentirás.
Joan Gallardo reveals the 6 hurdles to get through to reach happiness and invites us to overcome them by starting a process of transformation based on self-knowledge.
Who wouldn't want to be happy, or at least be a little happier?
Humans seek happiness the same way they seek to quench hunger or thirst. However, we are missing some answers, and, above all, we are missing many questions.
In this book I want you to draw up your happiness map and finally dare to walk on it. To begin, you only need one thing: not to have given up on being happy.
In these pages ...
*I will show you what I've learned about happiness (and unhappiness).
*I will teach you to take responsibility for your life and you will become stronger in the process.
*I will reveal the 6 obstacles to happiness.
> With this book I hope to offer you hope and give you the necessary push so that you realize that it is worth trying one more time. We all deserve to be happy!
Give yourself a new opportunity and let's start this journey together. You won't regret it.
Shall we start?