"Qué pasaría si uniéramos el Infierno de Dante y Juego de tronos?
El escritor de referencia del thriller histórico, autor de La biblioteca de los muertos, nos presenta su obra más ambiciosa: un impactante y sorprendente thriller que conjuga historia, intriga, acción y aventura.
Un proyecto científico ultrasecreto abre accidentalmente un corredor a otra dimensión, a la tierra de las tinieblas y los condenados.
Hay un infierno más allá de la muerte, pero no es como siempre lo habíamos imaginado.
John Camp es el responsable de la seguridad de un proyecto científico de alto nivel que se está desarrollando en unas instalaciones secretas cerca de Londres. Una prueba fallida se salda con la misteriosa desaparición de Emily Loughty, la brillante física que dirige las investigaciones. En el lugar donde ella estaba aparece un hombre que huye desesperadamente del edificio. Las primeras pesquisas revelan poco después que se trata de un peligroso criminal, condenado y ejecutado... en 1949. Está volviendo a actuar y hay que detenerlo a toda costa.
Mientras tanto, John propone repetir el experimento para rescatar a Emily, la mujer a la que ama. Se coloca en el punto exacto donde ella desapareció y en un instante es catapultado a un mundo maldito al cual todos los que han escrito a sangre en el gran libro de la Historia -tiranos sanguinarios, reyes despiadados, asesinos crueles- han sido relegados para toda la eternidad.
DOWN - Pinhole is the first book of an explosive new trilogy by international bestselling author, Glenn Cooper. A cross between DANTE'S INFERNO and GAME OF THRONES, DOWN is part historical thriller and part fantasy-adventure, a thought-provoking, page-turning, epic saga that explores the consequences of evil and transports readers to a world unlike any they have ever experienced. John Camp heads up security at a world's largest super-collider tunneled around London. Scarred by his wartime experiences, he's been fighting his demons and putting his life back in order. High on his priorities is his new relationship with physicist Emily Loughty, the collider's beautiful and accomplished Scottish research director. When the collider starts up it hits its projected energy target but then inexplicably continues powering much higher. In the blink of an eye Emily disappears and a rough-looking man appears in her place. In fear and confusion the man barrels out of the lab and disappears. His identity may be the only clue to what has happened. John volunteers to embark on a mission to try and rescue Emily and when the collider is powered up again he finds himself in a strange and terrifying world, geographically identical to Earth but very different. It's a place some call Down, eternally populated by those who've committed the most unforgivable acts of evil during their lives. Here in a world with but a few glimmers of hope, kings and dukes, including infamous historical figures, battle perpetually for supremacy. In a race against time, John must navigate the terrible landscape of Down and bring home the love of his life before they are trapped for the rest of their lives.Glenn Cooper, a Harvard graduate, archaeologist, physician, former biotechnology CEO, screenwriter and film producer, has written ten thrillers that have sold over six million copies in thirty translations.