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La desaparición de Annie Thorne / The Hiding Place: El escondite / The Hiding Place (Éxitos)

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La desaparición de Annie Thorne / The Hiding Place: El escondite / The Hiding Place (Éxitos)


No hay que temer a los muertos, sino a los vivos.

El nuevo y escalofriante thriller de la autora superventas de El Hombre de Tiza.


Annie desapareció una noche. Desapareció de su propia cama sin dejar rastro. Todos pensamos lo peor. De repente, como un milagro, tras cuarenta y ocho horas, volvió, pero no podía, o no quería, contar lo que le había ocurrido.

Algo le pasó a mi hermana, aunque ella no pueda explicarlo. Solo sé que cuando volvió ya no era la misma. No era mi Annie.

Soy incapaz de admitir, incluso para mí mismo, que a veces mi hermana me aterroriza.


Recibí este correo hace casi dos meses. Estuve a punto de borrarlo, pero decidí abrirlo:

Sé qué le pasó a tu hermana. Y está ocurriendo de nuevo...

«"Quieres leer algo bueno? Si te gusta lo que escribo, te gustará El Hombre de Tiza, de C. J. Tudor.»
Stephen King

«Oscura, absorbente, inquietante.»
J. P Delaney, autora de La chica de antes

«Lectura obligada.»
Daily Express

«Hay reminiscencias de Stephen King porque la realidad se mezcla con lo siniestro. Y un delicioso y espeluznante fi-nal.»
Daily Mail

«La novela está muy bien escrita y tramada. Tudor es muy buena haciendo uso de giros y sorpresas que no ves venir.»
The Sunday Express

«El Hombre de Tiza nos atrapó por su voz tan fresca y su misteriosa trama. Esta se-gunda novela es incluso mejor.»
The Washington Post

«Totalmente hip-nótica. Ha nacido la reina de lo oscuro.»
A. J Finn, autor de La mujer en la ventana


"The thrilling second novel from the author of The Chalk Man, about a teacher with a hidden agenda who returns to settle scores at a school he once attended, only to uncover a darker secret than he could have imagined. Joe never wanted to come back to Arnhill. After the way things ended with his old gang--the betrayal, the suicide, the murder--and after what happened when his sister went missing, the last thing he wanted to do was return to his hometown.

But Joe doesn't have a choice. Because judging by what was done to that poor Morton kid, what happened all those years ago to Joe's sister is happening again. And only Joe knows who is really at fault. Lying his way into a teaching job at his former high school is the easy part. Facing off with former friends who are none too happy to have him back in town--while avoiding the enemies he's made in the years since--is tougher.

But the hardest part of all will be returning to that abandoned mine where it all went wrong and his life changed forever, and finally confronting the shocking, horrifying truth about Arnhill, his sister, and himself. Because for Joe, the worst moment of his life wasn't the day his sister went missing. It was the day she came back.

With the same virtuosic command of character and pacing she displayed in The Chalk Man, C. J. Tudor has once again crafted an extraordinary novel that brilliantly blends harrowing psycho-logical suspense, a devilishly puzzling mystery, and enough shocks and thrills to satisfy even the most seasoned reader."

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Bound edition
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Publication date:
Plaza & Janés
Bound edition
Number of pages:
Publication date:
Plaza & Janés


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