From the worldwide bestselling author of THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP
'Rowing boats were snuggled up against each other in Kerdruc harbour. Thatched cottages nestled on the slopes leading down to the river like white flowers amid the luscious green of the pine trees and the meadows of sedge. Dozens of motorboats and yachts were moored to an anchor cable between red buoys; they danced on the salty tide. Where water and sky, blue and gold, placid woods and rugged cliffs met, the sea began. The restaurant on the ground floor of the white three-storey house, the Ar Mor, boasted a wooden deck, a red-and-white awning and a blue wooden gate.
The feeling of having come home grew ever stronger. Marianne smelled salt and fresh water, the air was as clear as glass, and a gleaming carpet of gold-and-blue silk lay over the river.'