Good advertising is the result of hard work and careful planning. The exciting new ADVERTISING AND INTEGRATED BRAND PROMOTION, 5e, International Edition illustrates how to most effectively accomplish this and get the best results. More visual than ever, the thoroughly revised fifth edition provides an innovative, integrated learning experience for your students. It continues the O'Guinn, Allen, and Semenik tradition of providing a solid understanding of advertising strategy through a clearly written text, coupled with more than 500 of the most contemporary ads and exhibits. A leader in its emphasis on integrated brand promotion, it combines a compelling presentation of the fundamentals of advertising with invigorating coverage of the hottest topics and latest trends. Packed with practical applications and insight, the book presents concepts in the context of real advertising practice-- beginning with the table of contents, which follows the same process as an advertising agency. Adding to its robust instructor's resources, the fifth edition includes a new media-rich PowerPoint" presentation with embedded video. Students also will be enthralled and inspired by the award-winning Clios DVD.