In 2009, photographer Dustin Diaz began a 365 project, the goal of which is to shoot and share one picture per day for a year. In sharing both the final image and the setup shot for that image (with call-outs explaining distance, flash power, flash modifiers, etc.), the project became a huge hit that attracted thousands and thousands of followers.
This Is Strobist Info recreates and expands upon this format, with the bulk of this beautiful, 10x8 book featuring a final image alongside a setup shot that clearly explains everything the reader needs to know in order to learn how the shot was created so they can then apply that knowledge to their own flash photography. In showing these finished pictures and setup shots for approximately 100 images, the reader will gain tons of knowledge about the basics--and beyond--of flash photography, including everything from simple one-light shots to images created with five lights and numerous gels, clamps, softboxes, and grids.
Additionally,This Is Strobist Info includes a few concise, instructional chapters featuring the author's thoughts on such topics as the inverse square law and the importance of making mistakes.