For everyone developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, 4/e, is the book you've been waiting to get your hands on. If you're new to the Mac environment, it's probably the book you've been told to read first. Covering the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X, written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it is an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer.
Specifically, Aaron Hillegass introduces the three most commonly used Mac developer tools: Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments. He also covers the Objective-C language and the major design patterns of Cocoa. Aaron illustrates his explanations with exemplary code, written in the idioms of the Cocoa community, to show how Mac programs should be written. After reading this book, you will know enough to understand and utilize Apple's online documentation for your own unique needs. And you will know enough to write your own stylish code.
This fourth edition includes technologies introduced in Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7. These include Xcode 4, blocks, and view-based table views. There is a new chapter on concurrency and expanded coverage of Core Animation. The authors have also devoted one chapter to the basics of iOS development.