Mock Objects is an approach to Test-Driven Development that changes the
way programmers think about code. It encourages them to think about how
objects interact with each other, rather than just how they work in isolation - as
the founders of Object Oriented programming intended. Objects should be
defined in terms of what they do, not what they are. Using Mock Objects with
Test-Driven Development guides developers towards code with clearly focused
objects and an emphasis on behavior over data - both features of good Object
Oriented programming.
This book has been written by two of the originators of the concept, who have
developed and refined their understanding over years of practice on real
projects. The book describes the basic concepts and shows how they fit into
the development cycle. It also addresses the common misunderstandings and
pitfalls that they have encountered.
Author(s) Expertise
Steve Freeman (UK) is a consultant with ThoughtWorks and has been involved
in the XP community since before there were books. He has a PhD in
Computer Science and degrees in Statistics and Music, and was one of the
authors of the first Mock Object paper.
Nat Pryce (UK) is an independent consultant with expertise in software design,
software development process and practices. He is also a research fellow at
Imperial College. Nat is a developer of the jMock and nMock libraries for testdriven
This book is intended for people who are directly concerned with the writing
of code: developers at various levels, technical leaders, development managers.
They are expected to have experience with an OO language such as C# or
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