Both old-school scripters who need to modernize their JavaScripting skills and standards-aware Web developers who need best practices and code examples will welcome this guide from a JavaScript master. Unlike other JavaScript books, which use far too many example scripts (most of which have no bearing on real-world Web development and are useful only in the chapter at hand), Peter-Paul Koch's book uses scripts created for real-world clients-which means they're guaranteed to work! Each short chapter is devoted to a few related JavaScript concepts, which are explained through a combination of theoretical instruction and hands-on application (using the example scripts provided). After an overview of JavaScript and a description of how not to apply it, Peter-Paul provides chapters on the environment (debugging, jobs for JavaScript, CSS vs. JavaScript, and more), script planning, using the DOM, working with style, using events, data retrieval, and Viewport. The book's sample scripts include ones to sort a data table, show and hide form fields, load a drop-down menu (via Ajax), and more.
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