Tools and techniques crackers use to break into wireless networks, and the steps to take to secure systems.
- The first book devoted entirely to Wireless LAN penetration testing.
- Asks "How can wireless security get compromised?" and "What can be done about it?" and answers them precisely.
- Describes the approaches used by the cracking underground to break into wireless networks and explains how these techniques can be used to test your network's susceptibility to attacks.
"This is an excellent book. It contains the 'in the trenches' coverage that the enterprise administrator needs to know to deploy wireless networks securely." --Robert Haskins, Chief Technology Officer, ZipLink Wi-Foo: The Secrets of Wireless Hacking is the first practical and realistic book about 802.11 network penetration testing and hardening. Unlike other books, it is based on a daily experience of breaking into and securing wireless LANs. Rather than collecting random wireless security news, tools, and methodologies, Wi-Foo presents a systematic approach to wireless security threats and countermeasures starting from the rational wireless hardware selection for security auditing and finishing with how to choose the optimal encryption ciphers for the particular network you are trying to protect.