Leverage the power of portals to improve ROI and unify applications, content and services into one user interface -- a Web page.
- Learn to deliver scalable, secure portal applications, and develop a cost justification for a portal project
- See how portal tools and components operate together, integrate disparate applications, and improve search and navigation
- Featured case studies examine specific tools from vendors such as Oracle, IBM, Broadvision, Vignette, Verity, Plumtree, Hummingbird, and Semio
Portals are the cornerstone to success in making informed business decisions and in the move to the Internet economy. They unify access to all the business content your employees, trading partners and customers need to do their jobs: Web data, workgroup information, business intelligence, front- and back-office applications, expertise and even data in legacy systems. Portals improve ROI through improved collaboration and communication, smarter decision-making, increased productivity, and easier access to business information, applications and expertise. In summary a portal brings together different applications, content and services in the form of one user interface, a Web page.