This Norton Critical Edition includes:
- The first edition of the novel, published by Archibald Constable in London in 1897 and chosen by the editors in order to give readers-insofar as such a thing is possible-a more historically authentic reading experience than has been generally available. Arcane words and usages are footnoted at first appearance.
- Editorial matter by John Edgar Browning and David J. Skal.
- Eight background pieces, five of them new to the Second Edition, on Count Dracula specifically and vampires more generally; seven reviews and reactions to Dracula's publication, five of them new to the Second Edition; and six selections, two of them new to and two others updated for the Second Edition, on Dracula's many dramatic and filmic variations.
- Eleven critical essays on Dracula's central themes, six of them new to the Second Edition.
- A selected bibliography.
About the Series
Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format-annotated text, contexts and criticism-helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.