It is appropriate that a surgical teacher. Robert E. Hermann. M. D . . with a large experience in a specialized field should author the beautifully il lustrated Manual of StlrRery of the Gallbladder. Bile Ducts. and Exocrine Pancreas. This manual. which takes its place in the distinguished series sponsored by RiChard H. Egdahl, M. D . . is designed for the working sur geon. resident or practitioner. who wishes to refresh his memory or to bring himself abreast of current thinking and technics. The carefully planned format and the elegant color illustrations of Mr. Robert Reed per mit this with the expenditure of a minimum of time and effort. and sur geons who must operate on the organs and structures it covers will wish to have it available for reference. Stanley O. Hoerr. M. D. former Chairman. Division of Surgery Cleveland Clinic Chairman. Department of Surgery Fairview General Hospital Cleveland. Ohio Preface Operations on the gallbladder and bile ducts are among the surgical proce dures most commonly performed by general surgeons. In most hospitals, cholecystectomy is the most frequently performed operation within the ab domen; approximately 6()(),OOO are performed each year in the United States. In addition, an estimated 120,000 bile duct operations are performed yearly. Pancreatic surgery is less frequent, but because of the close relation between the biliary system and the pancreas, knowledge of pancreatic problems is equally essential to the surgeon.