"Messages from Melanie" contains a rich collection of wisdom and advice from the Spirit World that can provide strength and direction to anyone trying to cope with the trials of day-to-day life. The Messenger from Afar is the author's departed daughter. Her messages vary from clear directives and profound truths to light hearted observations and funny remarks.
Presented in the form of a daily diary entry, each of the 365 messages provides a good starting point for one's meditative reflection; as a collection, they serve as an encouraging companion on the road to oneself. The selection in this book was drawn from nearly 3000 messages that the author receives in his sleep, one per night in a miraculous way, starting in 2007 and continuing to this day. The photos and wooden sculptures adorning this publication are the work of the author.
In the words of author Stephanie Guerra:
"This is an inspiring, beautiful book! The original artwork combines with the daily contemplations to form a unique, compelling book of days. This is philosophy in small, elegant servings."