Successful entrepreneurs shape and move the wine business - as producers, merchants, publishers, communicators, organizers, or consultants. They are initiators, opinion leaders, and creators. They are shaped by spirit, creativity and assertiveness. "Wine Entrepreneurs" is a book about the recipes and stories of success of these strong and dedicated people.
"Wine Entrepreneurs" is about entrepreneurial thinking and acting, about innovations and values, decisions, leadership, and motivation - not only on an academic level but a very pragmatic one as well. In this book, 25 wine entrepreneurs talk about their own path to success and their personal experience about being an entrepreneur.
The following wine entrepreneurs have been participating in the project: Heinz Kammerer, founder of Wein & Co; Friedrich-Wilhelm Dauphin, owner of Allée Bleue Estate; François Perrin, co-owner of Château de Beaucastel; Eduardo Chadwick, President of Viña Errázuriz; Christian Ress, owner and managing director of Balthasar Ress winery; Roland Köhler, publisher of "Vinum"; Sir George Fistonich, founder and owner of Villa Maria Estate; Doug Shafer, President of Shafer Vineyards; Christoph Mack, CEO of Mack & Schu"hle; Frédéric Drouhin, President of Maison Joseph Drouhin; Gary Vaynerchuk, owner of Wine Library und VaynerMedia, wine merchant, communicator, and social media consultant; Willi Klinger, managing director of Österreich Wein Marketing (Austrian Wine Marketing Board); Utz Graafmann, founder and managing director of Wein-Plus; Leo Hillinger, owner and managing director of Leo Hillinger winery; Angelo Gaja, owner of Az. Agr. Gaja; Stuart Pigott, wine journalist und writer; Gerhard Eichelmann, wine critic, writer, and publisher of "Deutschlands Weine"; Roman Niewodniczanski, owner and managing director of Van Volxem winery; Miguel A. Torres, President of Bodegas Torres and many more. "Wine Entrepreneurs" is intended for all those who are interested in wine.