The Umayyads: The Rise of Islamic Art presents a journey through the great artistic and cultural flourishing that gave birth to the formative phase of Islamic art during the 7th and 8th centuries. The Umayyads unified the Mediterranean and Persian cultures and developed an innovative artistic synthesis that incorporated and immortalised Classical, Byzantine and Sassanid heritage. The elegant architecture of desert castles, the frescoes, mosaics and masterpieces of figurative and decorative art still evoke the strong sense of realism and the great cultural, artistic and social vitality of the centres of the Umayyad Caliphate.
Five itineraries invite you to discover 43 museums, monuments and sites in Amman, Madaba, Al-Badiya, Jerash, Umm Qays, Aqaba and Humayma (among others).
This title is part of the series "Islamic Art in the Mediterranean". Each title in this series starts with a general introduction to the series, followed by an introduction to the particular title.
For the eBook / Kindle version: the "Look Inside" link gives access to the table of contents of this title and to a part of its particular introduction.
For the paperback version: the "Look Inside" link provides access to the general introduction.
Note: the eBook includes an index of locations.
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