Homo Oeconomucus 28 (1/2), 2011Essays in Honor of Hannu Nurmi, Volume IIEdited by Manfred J. Holler, Andreas Nohn and Hannu Vartiainen________________________________________________________________For Hannu NurmiMANFRED J. HOLLER, ANDREAS NOHN, AND HANNU VARTIAINEN Support for Political LeadersNORMAN SCHOFIELD AND EVAN SCHNIDMAN Intensity Comparisons, the Borda Rule and Democratic TheoryEERIK LAGERSPETZ A Test of the Marginalist Defense of the Rational Voter HypothesisUsing Quantile RegressionSERGUEI KANIOVSKIThe Effect of Institutional and Party System Factors on Turnoutin Finnish Parliamentary Elections, 1962-2007:A District-Level AnalysisPETER SÖDERLUND, HANNA WASS, AND BERNARD GROFMANRational Choice Rationality and Individual BehaviorKAISA HERNE Building a Dictator: A Social Choice Analysis of the Line Item VetoKATRI K. SIEBERG A Review of Some Recent Results on Power IndicesJOSE M. ALONSO-MEIJIDE, BALBINA CASAS-MÉNDEZ, ANDM. GLORIA FIESTRAS-JANEIROMeasuring Power and Satisfaction in Societies with Opinion LeadersRENÉ VAN DEN BRINK, AGNIESZKA RUSINKOWSKA, ANDFRANK STEFFEN Logrolling in n-Player BargainingHANNU VARTIAINEN On the Degree of Manipulability of Multi-Valued Social Choice RulesFUAD ALESKEROV, DANIEL KARABEKYAN, M. REMZI SANVER,AND VYACHESLAV YAKUBA Bimatrix Games in General EquilibriumKLAUS KULTTI AND ANTTI MIETTUNEN Non-Detrimentality of Opinion LeadershipsANDREAS NOHN