Fil"my i serialy oträajut näu dejstvitel"nost". Rossijskie fil"my i serialy oträajut v tom "isle i korrupcionnuju dejstvitel"nost" strany. Studenty Tichookeanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta iz Chabarovska analizirujut nekotorye sceny iz proizvedenij ote"estvennogo kinematografa, soder"ä"ie vzjatöni"estvo, podkup dol"nostnych lic, möenni"estvo i inye machinacii. Avtory pytajutsja ponjat" motivaciju i legitimaciju povedenija geroev, a tak"e posledstvija takogo slönogo i protivore"ivogo javlenija kak korrupcija.
Movies and sitcoms reflect our reality; Russian films and sitcoms reflect, among other things, the corrupt reality of the country. Students from the Pacific National University in Khabarovsk analyze selected scenes from domestic movies and sitcoms portraying graft, bribery, fraud and other machinations. The authors try to understand the motivations of the characters and the legitimation of their behavior as well as the consequences of such a large-scale phenomenon as corruption.