* Die Autorinnen und Autoren in Curare 38(2015)3
* Ekkehard Schröder: Medical Anthropological Glimpses of Global Mental Health. Editorial
* Antonio Scarpa: Ethnoiatrics: from Ethnopsychonosography to Ethnopsychotherapy (Reprint 1978, Foreword of Curare 1, 2)
+++ Articles / Artikel
* Helmar Kurz: "Depression is not a Disease. It is a Spiritual Problem."-Performance and Hybridization of Religion and Science within Brazilian Spiritist Healing Practices
* Suchismita Mishra, Yadlapalli S. Kusuma & Bontha V. Babu: Illness Prevention Practices among a Migrant Indigenous Community in an Eastern Indian City
* Abu Baker A. A . Al Hadi: Traditional Healing Techniques for Female Infertility in Tamboul in Central Sudan
* Frank Kressing: Possible Preventive Aspects of Shamanism- An example from Ladakh, Northwest India
* Amber Gemmeke: Ethnic Targeting in the Netherlands. Interrelating Migration, Religion, and Mental Health Care
+++ Hommage
* Dem Transkulturellen Psychiater Wolfgang Jilek zum
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