The history of medicinal plants is intimately connected with the history of botany. Primitive man lived at the mercy of nature, in constant terror of diseases. Natural health care is getting important world over as the human race is suffering from life style diseases. In India, the ayurvedic system of medicine has been in use for over three thousand years. Ethnopharmacognosyincludes the study of traditional concepts or methods for distinguishing between various plant parts such as bark, leaves, seeds, tubers, etc. and indigenous ways of distinction, if any, between the quality of such products from collections in different seasons or situations.Medicinal plants with anti-tumour potential elaborated :Ageratum conyzoides Aloe vera Curcuma longa Vinca rosea Taxus baccataMedicinal plants with anti-HIV potential have been presented. The book will be extremely useful for students , teachers, researchers and medical practitioners and and industry