The Swiss artist Heidi Bucher was a major feminist figure on the international neoavantgarde art scene, whose work is characterized by a unique performative, yet material concept of sculpture. As early as the 1970s Bucher was experimenting with unusual materials such as latex, breathing life into them. She would pour liquid rubber onto surfaces and then pull it off again with great physical force, literally coming to grips with the world of things she experienced and pressing forward into psychological border zones. By transforming materials in ways that were as radical as they were sensual, she explored forms of human existence and how they are embedded in societal and private power structures. This monograph presents Bucher's oeuvre from her early days as a student in Zurich in the 1940s, to her experimental phase in New York and Los Angeles of the 1960s and 1970s, to her major works of "skinning" architecture and people, all the way to the pieces she created during her final years on Lanzarote.
The performative object artist HEIDI BUCHER (1926-1993) was raised in Switzerland, studied under Johannes Itten in Zurich, and enjoyed her initial successes in the late 1960s in New York and California. Her works can be found in numerous museums and private collections around the world.