The overbuilt horse, a severe ewe neck, pelvic obliquity, injuries to the suspensory ligament, kissing spines and many other issues may be present when a horse is suffering from a weak back. These symptoms are avoidable in most cases if they are dealt with early enough.
In this book, Birgit Volesky sums up her experience from over 10 years of practice in osteotherpy and with horses. These have led her to the understanding that 90% of horses have similar functional problems. If these problems are solved, then you can establish a basis from which you can make a sensitive
start to working with the horse.
The objective of this book is to provide every horse owner with a tool that allows them to understand their horse and its behaviour patterns better for themselves. Anatomical backgrounds and chains of action illustrate the factors to which the horse owner needs to pay attention in order to prevent longterm problems with their equine partner.