How to realise equality of chances in science education in a multicultural and multilinguistic society? This book and CD-ROM present a solution-oriented approach on a theoretical and practical level. This includes recommendations for school authorities, suggestions for teacher trainings and teaching material for science lessons.
The authors are scientists and experts in natural, social and educational sciences from Germany, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Turkey.
"This book definitely deserves its title! Such cooperation is in itself an accomplishment, indeed too rare in academic and public life. I am fascinated by the common adherence to basic human values and democracy that seem to underpin the writings by the authors behind the book. It is most revealing to see how they, from widely different backgrounds, manage to address common important issues. These are challenges that face Europe as a whole, as well as each country in particular." (Svein Sjøberg)
Addressees of this book are experts of education, teachers, teacher trainers, school authorities as well as politicians. Science Education Unlimited is a contribution to gender and diversity mainstreaming.