Conceived between 1999 and 2009 as well as beyond, these essays were the result of different presentations on urbanism on various international conferences. The ideas in the essays grew out of the research done in those years, teaching on urban planning and urban design as well as from collaboration with colleagues in the field. Here, they are given in the raw, as intended for conferences where ideas are ventilated and half-baked or research in progress presented. Most of the writings ended up in scientific paper or book chapter form later, or were used as ideas and foundations for further research. Throughout the last fifty years a number of theories, approaches, models, concepts and ideologies - ideals - trends - paradigms have influenced the practice of urban planning and design (urbanism). Sometimes these ideals are defined as exemplars of good planning and design adapted to local contexts and their effects can be seen in the content and form of our built urban environments. These essays dwell therein into the nature and complexity of these issues and offer some interesting insights and new outlooks as well as some old, good proven ideas on planning, placemaking & urban design.