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Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)


"The book discusses the theoretical and methodological challenges of an interculturally valid sociology of religion and provides insights into the autochthonous socio-religious research in Muslim societies and Asian countries. In this way, it links discourses that have so far taken place primarily independently of one another. The book goes back to a conference in Münster that questioned the Western foundation of empirical religiosity research, which reaches its limits in the non-American and non-European context, but also with regard to orthodox forms of faith in the Western context.


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