In recent years, ion implantation has developed into the major doping technique for integrated circuits. Several series of conferences have dealt with the application of ion implantation to semiconductors and other materials (Thousand Oaks 1970, Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1971, Osaka 1974, Warwick 1975, Boulder 1976, Budapest 1978, and Albany 1980). Another series of conferences was devoted more to implantation equipment and tech niques (Salford 1977, Trento 1978, and Kingston 1980). In connection with the Third International Conference on Ion Implantation: Equipment and Tech niques, held at Queen's University,' Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 8-11, 1980, a two-day instructional program was organized parallel to an implan tation conference for the first time. This implantation school concentra ted on aspects of implantation-equipment design. This book contains all lectures presented at the International Ion Implantation School organized in connection with the Fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation: Equipment and Techniques, held at the Convention Center, Berchtesgaden, Germany, September 13-17, 1982. In con trast to the first .school, the main emphasis in thiS school was placed on practical aspects of implanter operation and application. In three chap ters, various machine aspects of ion implantation (general concepts, ion sources, safety, calibration, dOSimetry), range distributions (stopping power, range profiles), and measuring techniques (electrical and nonelec tri ca 1 measu ri ng techni ques, annea 1 i ng) are di scussed. In the appendi x, a review of the state of the art in modern implantation equipment is given.