This book contain the proceedings of two long-running workshops held in c- nection to the CAiSE conferences relating to the areas of enterprise, busine- process, and information systems modeling th - The 10 International Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Devel- ment and Support (BPMDS 2009) th - The 14 International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for S- tems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD 2009) BPMDS 2009 BPMDS2009wasthetenthinaseriesofworkshopsthathavesuccessfullyserved as a forum for raising and discussing new ideas in the area of business process development and support. The topics addressed by the BPMDS workshops are focused on IT support forbusinessprocesses.Thisisoneofthekeystonesofinformationsystemstheory. Westronglybelievethatanymajorconferenceintheareaofinformationsystems needs to addresssuchtopics independently ofthe currentfashion.The continued interest in these topics on behalf of the IS community is re?ected by the success of the last BPMDS workshops and the recent emergence of new conferences devoted to the theme. During the previous BPMDS workshops, various issues were discussed that could be related to di?erent but isolated phases in the life cycle of a business process.Inthepreviouseditionwearrivedto afocus ontheinteractionsbetween several phases of the business process life cycle.