Master's Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject Didactics - English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 1,0, University of Hildesheim (English Department), language: English, abstract: "I have three questions!"; "I am already done - what can I do next?"; "I do not understand this topic."; "I have problems with this task."; "This is too easy!" and so forth. All of these students' remarks are typical for a heterogeneous class population. The term heterogeneity has reached a very common use lately for the description of a class with varied features. Current classroom situations show that various areas of interest, background knowledge, social competences and different attitudes of the students have to be dealt with. The intention of creating an atmosphere in which every student feels accepted with his or her capabilities has, therefore, become very hard to achieve for teachers.
In this paper, a look will be taken at a paradigm of a heterogeneous class population at a fifth grade of an elementary school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. In specific, the focus is put on two forms of heterogeneity: the level of proficiency and
the type of intelligence.