Comprehensive resource covering key developments in biosensor-based diagnostics for infectious diseases
With its overview of currently available technologies, Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases serves as a starting point for the successful development and application of pathogen biosensors in a point-of-care setting. Here, expert authors review current challenges in pathogen detection and the selection of suitable biomarkers, detail currently available biosensor platforms including electrochemical, piezoelectric, magnetic, and optical sensors, and cover technology development for point-of-care biosensors for viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.
Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases covers key topics such as:
Providing comprehensive coverage of the subject, Point-of-Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases is an excellent reference for all developers, researchers, and technology managers in the areas of molecular diagnosis, infectious diseases, biosensors, and related fields.
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