Frontmatter -- Contents -- Tracing research into formal aspects of television: An introduction -- Part I. Children and the formal attributes of television: Findings of research, implications for production -- The forms of television: Effects on children's attention, comprehension, and social behavior / Rice, Mabel L. / Huston, Aletha C. / Wright, John C. -- Children's attention to television: Implications for production / Anderson, Daniel R. / Field, Diane E. -- Emotions depicted on and stimulated by television programs / Dorr, Aimée / Doubleday, Catherine / Kovaric, Peter -- Children and the formats of television advertising / Wartella, Ellen / Hunter, Linda S. -- How children understand television and learn from it: A Swedish perspective / Rydin, Ingegerd -- Television in the lives of French children: A review of recent research / Corset, Pierre -- Beyond the formats of television: The effects of student preconceptions on the experience of televiewing / Salomon, Gavriel -- Part II. Principles, methods and problems of formative research -- The educational use of production variables and formative research in programming / Mielke, Keith W. -- Formative research in the production of television for children / Palmer, Edward L. -- Formative research and evaluation of instructional television programs / Rockman, Saul -- Methodological aspects of formative research / Burdach, Konrad J. -- About the contributors -- Backmatter