Intelligent tutoring and high school mathematics.- Generality watching: ITS caught between science and engineering.- Guidon-manage revisited: A socio-technical systems approach.- Programming environments for novices.- Granularity and context in learning.- Going from intelligent tutors to tools for learning.- Assisted mathematics: the case of discrete probabilities.- Learning recursion through the use of a mental model-based programming environment.- STUDIA: un syst" tutoriel intelligent coop"tif fond"ur la n"ciation et sur un mod" dynamique de dialogue.- An iconic intention-driven its environment.- Providing problem explanation for ITS.- The Fawlty article tutor.- Towards an epistemology for Guided Discovery Tutoring: The Popperian connection.- Making processes visible: Scaffolding learning with reasoning-congruent representations.- Winch simulation: Multiple, linked representations of linear functions.- A learning environment based on multiple qualitative models.- EXPITS: an experimental environment on ITS.- Intelligent tutoring system for symbolic calculation.- Curriculum tree: A knowledge-based architecture for intelligent tutoring systems.- L'Assistance "'usager dans DIGITEF: un m"nisme r"ilisable.- R"lution par analogie de probl"s g""iques dans une perspective tutorielle.- A pedagogical design and architecture for intelligent tutoring and aiding in supervisory control of complex systems.- Une architecture multiagent.- From elementary knowledge schemes towards heuristic expertise " Designing an its in the field of parallel programming.- Answering student queries: Functionality and mechanisms.- Instruction as reasoning about multiple objectives.- Repr"ntation des connaissances dans un g"rateur de syst"s d'E.I.A.O.- Knowledge representation for an intelligent tutoring system based on a multilevel causal model.- Knowledge base compilation and the language design game.- Instructional expertise.- Cognitio: An extended computational theory of cognition.- Apport du style linguistique "a mod"sation cognitive d'un el".- A cognitive framework for Second Language error diagnosis.- Evaluation of Feature Based Modelling in subtraction.- Une mod"sation de l'architecture cognitive d'un "diant pour un syst" tutoriel intelligent.- Bootstrapping mental constructions: a learning system about negative numbers.- Towards the theory-guided design of help systems for programming and modelling tasks.- A new architecture for Intelligent Help Systems.- The UNIX Tutor.- Tuteurs Intelligents et Intelligence Artificielle: probl"s pos"en construction de figures g""iques.- G"ration d'exercices en alg"e, premi"s approches dans le cadre du projet APLUSIX.- ADAPT: Automated debugging in an adaptive Prolog tutor.- Reference network: A genetic model for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.- Form, frequency, markedness and strategies in second language performance modelling.- Why should an ITS bother with students' explanations?.- Student strategies for learning programming from a computational environment.- An intelligent language tutoring system for handling errors caused by transfer.- The application of cognitive diagnosis to the quantitative analysis of simple electrical circuits.- Student modeling and mastery learning in a computer-based programming tutor.- Application de la m"odologie du tra"e de mod" "n environnement d'apprentissage utilisant une strat"e p"gogique non directive.- Pr"ction du niveau d'acquisition des connaissances dans la mod"sation de l'"diant.- Instructional planning using focus of attention.- To contradict is human.- Mise en oeuvre d'un mod" de l'apprenant g"rique dans le syst" EDDI.- Student model diagnosis for adaptive instruction in ITS.- A systemic approach for student modelling in a multi-agent aided learning environment.- Diagnostic cognitif de l'apprenant par apprentissage symbolique.- Probabilistic student models: Bayesian Belief Networks and Knowledge Space Theory.- A framework for intelligent knowledge sequencing and task sequencing.- The use of pedagogic misrepresentation in tutorial dialogue.- Planification p"gogique: de l'expertise humaine "a mod"sation dans un STI.- COCA: A shell for intelligent tutoring systems.- Enhancing the instructional capabilities of Intelligent tutoring systems.- Measuring learning strategies and understanding: A research framework.- From testing to training: Evaluating automated diagnosis in statistics and algebra.- Detecting and reacting to the learner's motivational state.- Automated generation of examples for a tutorial in case-based argumentation.- The advantages of data flow diagrams for beginning programming.- Tools for teacher participation in ITS design.- Explanation in expert system shells: a tool for exploration and learning.- Intelligent tutoring with dumb software.- Using expert tutor knowledge to design a Self-Improving intelligent tutoring system.- Modelling expertise for educational purposes.- Distributed learning companion system: WEST revisited.- People power: A human-computer collaborative learning system.- User modeling and architecture in industrial ITSs.- CHEMPROF: "The chemical literacy problem".- The Grace Tutor: A qualified success.