The excellently received call for papers of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, June 29-July 2 (SCIA 2003) resulted in the selected articles of this proceedings. Additionally the volume also contains invited contributions from - Ivar Austvoll, Stavanger University College (NO), - Lars B? a? ath, Halmstad University (SE), - Ewert Bengtsson, Uppsala University (SE), - Rasmus Larsen, Technical University of Denmark (DK), - Jussi Parkkinen, University of Joensuu (FI), - Pietro Perona, California Institute of Technology (US) which brings the total number of articles to 152. The theme of the papers are dominated by the categories - Feature extraction - Depth and surface - Medical image processing - Shape analysis - Segmentation and spatial grouping - Coding and representation - Motion analysis - Texture analysis - Color analysis - Indexing and categorization which also represent the topical groupings of this book. The particularly strong response to the feature extraction, depth and surface, and medical image processing themes makes us believe that these areas are c- rently expansive, partly because of the rich set of problems which remain to be addressed.
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