yetwehopethatitwillofferinspirationandorientationtothescientistwho wouldliketoenterthis?eld. To date, many different cells have been described that can suppress + + other cells of the immune system: CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells (Treg), + ? CD4 CD25 regulatory T cells, T regulatory 1 cells (Tr1), T-helper 3 cells + ? (Th3),CD8 CD28 Tcells,NKTcells,aswellastolerogenicdendriticcells. Suppressive CD4 T cells fall at least into two categories. So called natural VI Preface + + CD4 CD25 Tregformpartoftheintra-thymicallyselectedTcellrepertoire andapparentlyconstituteadistinctlineage. Incontrast,"adaptive"regulatory Tcellsareinstructedintheperipherytobecomesuppressivecells,theyform + + amoreheterogeneousgroupincludingCD4 CD25 Treg,Tr1,andTh3cells. As natural Treg are so far the best characterized entity, the ?rst three contributionsofthisvolume(C. Cozzoetal. ,C. -S. Hsiehetal. ,andL.