Some problems on generalized homogeneity of continua.- On the property of Kelley in hyperspaces.- Set-valued mappings and extension of continuous mappings.- Supertopological spaces and a special class of extensions of topological spaces.- On hypermaps, which are trivial bundles.- Paracompactness of uniform spaces in the spirit of the Tamano"s theorem.- On rim-type of spaces.- Bitopological spaces.- On strongly zero-dimensional F?-metrizable stratifiable spaces.- Open images of solenoids.- Arithmetical properties of the product of homeomorphism types of spaces.- The sequential absolute and the other analogs of the absolute.- Nettings in zero-dimensional compact spaces.- Topological characterization of the hyperstonean cover.- The advantages of strong shape theory.- On global properties of maps IV.- Knots and stable homotopy.- On the homotopical structure and applications of Morava"s extraordinary K-theories.- Coherent prohomotopy and a strong shape category of topological spaces.- K?i-invariants of chain complexes.- Gluing of plane real algebraic curves and constructions of curves of degrees 6 and 7.- Limits of local systems of topological spaces.- C(X) determines ?X.- Divisible Abelian groups admitting minimal topologies.- External torsion.- Verma modules over the virasoro algebra.- Algebraic properties of some integrable Hamiltonian systems.- On dense subalgebras of post algebras and Menger algebras of continuous functions.- On equivalent existence properties in topology and in optimization theory.- On the lattice of epidense subcategories of a topological category.- On the intersection of the close algebraic curves.- The finiteness problem for limit cycles of polynomial vector fields on the plane. Germs of saddle resonant vector fields and nonhausdorff Riemann surfaces.- On the virtual cohomology dimension of the Teichm"ller modular group.- Equivariant transversality and automorphism groups.- Bifurcation of the periodic points of maps of the interval.- On some homotopy invariants of pseudoriemannian metrics.- Hyperbolic attractors of codimension one.- Nilpotent homotopy types of closed 3-manifolds.- Some recent advances in the spectral theory of locally convex algebras.- Classification of Montesinos knots.