The computer tomograms of the brain were investigated in 195 patients in whom a primary carcinoma was known to be present. Metastases of bronchial and mammary carcinomas are most frequent. It is not possible to achieve a definite differentiation of brain metastases from known primary tumors. References 1. Kazner, E. , Wende, S. , Grumme, Th. , Lanksch, W. , Stochdorph, 0. : Computertomographie intrakranieller Tumoren. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1981 2. Nadjmi, M. , Piepgras, U. , Vogelsang, H. : Kranielle Computertomo graphie. Stuttgart: Thieme 1981 3. Penzholz, H. : Die metastatischen Erkrankungen des Zentralnerven systems bei besartigen Tumoren. Acta neurochir. Suppl. ~, 1968 4. ZUlch~ K. J. : Pathologische Anatomie der raumbeengenden intra kraniellen Prozesse. In: Handbuch der Neurochirurgie, Bd. III, Hrsg. Krenkel, W. , Olivecrona, H. , Tennis, W. Berlin: Springer 1956 18 Epileptic Seizures in Brain Metastases B. Neundorfer Klinik fUr Neurologie, Medizinische Hochschule LUbeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-2400 LUbeck 1 Epileptic seizures are a frequent symptem ef intracranial space eccupying lesiens (4). The reperted frequency in the literature var ies between 13% and-abeut 50%. This apparent discrepancy can be ex plained by the different cempesitien ef different series with regard to. the patient's age, turner histelegy and lecatien (4). The mest frequently enceuntered finding in patients with symptematic seizures is a primary brain turner: at the tep ef the list eligedendregliemas, astrecytemas and meningiemas - at the bettem glieblastemas. Brain metastases are also.