The theological engagement with the biblical psalms and the Psalter cannot be limited to the discussion of factual statements, themes and concepts. Spirituality is a genuine concern since the Psalter involves people in a conversation with God (which ranges from lament to praise), but simultaneously also attempts to provide guidance on the way of life. The uniqueness of the Psalter as a book in the Bible consists of its being simultaneously >words to God< (prayer) and >Word of God< (Scripture).
The >Werkbuch Psalmen< series aims to facilitate a transfer from resources and insights in psalms research to the realms of theological studies, church and parish service and the school. In volumes I and II, the focus is on textual analyses coupled with suggestions for practical use, while volume III attempts to provide a synthetic view with a focus on the message of the book as a whole and the themes encountered in it. The third volume can nonetheless be read as a work on its own.
>Werkbuch Psalmen III< was awarded the >Johann Tobias Beck< prize in 2011. This prize to the value of 1000 Euro has been awarded annually since 1987 for outstanding biblically-founded theological literature.