Stepping In
- One Language - Many Voices
All in Society - I Wonder Who We Are
- Social Issues - Conflicts and Courage
- The Individual Versus Society?
- (Multi)cultural Identities - Between Integration and Isolation
- Region Rules
Political Life - Looking Back Into the Future
- From Monarchy to Democracy
- Cultures in Conflict
- On the Way to Peace
- Rivals - Allies - Friends
Economy - Working Makes the World Go Round
- Keeping Pace in a Changing World of Work
- The Different Faces of Globalisation
Technology Versus Nature?
- Science and Ethics - Reflecting on New Worlds
- Ecology - Man's Impact on the Planet
Norms and Values - Living Ideas
- Self-Perception and Otherness
- Tracing National Identities - Cool Britannia and America Dreaming
- One World - Different Gods
Culture - High and Low
- A Taste of Art
- Art and Society
- Media and Messages
William Shakespeare - A Man for All Media?!
- Shakespeare and His World
- Shakespeare's Sonnets
- Shakespeare's Themes
- Shakespeare and Modern Media
- Shakespeare's Macbeth Revisited
- Famous Shakespeare Quotes
Moving On / Method Kit / Language Kit