Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction / Friederici, Angela D. / Menzel, Randolf -- I. Rule Acquisition and Representation of Structured and Unstructured Information -- 1. Words as Programs of Mental Computation / Bierwisch, Manfred -- 2. Discovering Grammar: Prosodic and Morpho-Syntactic Aspects of Rule Formation in First Language Acquisition / Höhle, Barbara / Weissenborn, Jürgen -- 3. Rule-Application During Language Comprehension in the Adult and the Child / Hahne, Anja / Friederici, Angela D. -- 4. Learning, Representation and Retrieval of Rule-Related Knowledge in the Song System of Birds / Hultsch, Henrike / Mundry, Roger / Todt, Dietmar -- 5. Representation and Learning of Structure in Perceptuo-Motor Event-Sequences / Rüsseler, Jascha / Rösler, Frank -- 6. Imposing Structure on an Unstructured Environment: Ontogenetic Changes in the Ability to Form Rules of Behavior Under Conditions of Low Environmental Predictability / Frensch, Peter A. / Lindenberger, Ulman / Kray, Jutta -- II. Perception and Representation of Visual-Spatial and Temporal Information -- 7. Motion Perception and Motion Imagery: New Evidence of Constructive Brain Processes from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies / Goebel, Rainer / Muckli, Lars / Singer, Wolf -- 8. Recognition Memory of Objects and Spatial Locations: Figural and Verbal Representations / Mecklinger, Axel / Bosch, Volker -- 9. Memory for Time: Separating Temporal from Spatial Information Processing / Schubotz, Ricarda / Friederici, Angela D. -- 10. Spatial Representations in Small-Brain Insect Navigators: Ant Algorithms / Wehner, Rüdiger -- 11. Elementary and Configural Forms of Memory in an Insect: The Honeybee / Menzel, Randolf / Giurfa, Martin / Gerber, Bertram / Hellstern, Frank -- List of Contributors -- Register