Frontmatter -- Contents -- Cultural Change and Cultural Memory: The Principle of Hope in the Times of German Unifications / Pape, Walter -- History, Education, Language, and National Identity -- National History and National Identity in the New Germany / Sheehan, James J. -- The Franco-Prussian War and Unification in German History Schoolbooks / Kelly, Alfred -- Language and the Social Foundations of Radical Nationalism in the Wilhelmine Era / Chickering, Roger -- "Dann weg 'mit's Milletär' und wieder ein civiler Civilist": Theodor Fontane and the Wars of German Unification / Cornell, John S. -- Literature, Aesthetics, and Literary Market after 1870/71 -- "Hurra, Germania - mir graut vor dir": Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Freiligrath, Herwegh, and the German Unification of 1870/71 / Pape, Walter -- Friedrich Spielhagen - Critic of Bismarck's Empire / Neuhaus, Volker -- "Gibt es nicht Völker, in denen vergessen zu werden eine Ehre ist?": Raabe and German Unification / Meyer-Krentler, Eckhardt -- Literary Changes Compared - 1870/71 and 1990 -- Imagining the German Capital: Berlin Writers on the Two Unification Eras / Roper, Katherine -- Telling German History: Forms and Functions of the Historical Narrative Against the Background of the National Unifications / Fulda, Daniel -- 1990: The Priciple of Hope or: Nailed to the Cross of the Past? -- Another Piece of the Past / Reed, Terence James -- Intellectuals, Unification, and Political Change 1990: The Case of Christa Wolf / Schoeps, Karl-Heinz J. -- "Wir hausen im Prenzlauer Berg": On the Very Last Generation of GDR Poets / Brady, Philip -- The End of the Dream of the "Other Germany": The "German Question" in West German Letters / Bullivant, Keith -- Bibliography -- Notes on Contributors -- Index