Frontmatter -- Preface -- Instead of an introduction: Conceptual issues in analyzing intercultural communication / Knapp, Karlfried / Knapp-Potthoff, Annelie -- ". Socio-political contexts of intercultural communication -- Socio-political influences on cross-cultural encounters: Notes towards a framework for the analysis of context / Murray, Alan / Sondhi, Ranjit -- II. Socio-psychological perspectives of intercultural communication -- Attribution theory and intercultural communication / Lalljee, Mansur -- Contact between German and Turkish adolescents: A case study / Apitzsch, Giesela / Dittmar, Norbert -- III. Language choice -- Language choice in multilingual societies: A Singapore case study / Altehenger-Smith, Sherida -- Why speak English? / Coulmas, Florian -- IV. Discourse processes -- Keeping the gate: How judgements are made in interethnic interviews / Roberts, Celia / Sayers, Pete -- Foreigner talk, code switching and the concept of trouble / Hinnenkamp, Volker -- The man (or woman) in the middle: Discoursal aspects of non-professional interpreting / Knapp-Potthoff, Annelie / Knapp, Karlfried -- V. Selected elements of discourse -- Multiple formulae Aspects of Turkish migrant workers' German in intercultural communication / Rehbein, Jochen -- The use of alors in French-Dutch negotiations: A case study / Stalpers, Judith -- What interactants do with non-talk across cultures / Enninger, Werner -- About the Authors -- Index of subjects -- Index of names