Read this book slowly and many times. Feel encouraged and inspired. Improve and gain confidence. Find guidance for tests such as I.E.L.T.S.
Language students create enriching opportunities; one advantage leads to another. Concentrate and appreciate the rhythm and flow of simple words, sentences and paragraphs. The aim of 'Book 7: Speaking' is to encourage you to speak clearly; the emphasis being: to plan your talk. Make progress day by day and step by step. The tips and points are repeated so as to adopt a versatile or automatic formula for the way you present your discussion.
The words 'confidence' and 'plan' appear frequently. On the way, sing songs; make conversation; state your point of view; give your opinion. Be proud to stand up; be brave, show courage and confidence. Love to make progress and to pass tests. The secret keys to freedom of expression are to:
First, Turn up,
Second, Stand Up,
Third, Speak up.