Photographers who wish to explore creative ways to use Photoshop are commonly frustrated by the typical Photoshop resources available to them. Either the material is technically sound, but lacks truly inspirational visuals, or it is chock full of beautiful imagery but weak on the how-to content. This new book by renowned photographer Harold Davis does both extremely well. A truly unique design, scattered throughout with notes, tips, and sidebars, makes it seem as if the author is sitting side-by-side with the reader, explaining each step in detail. Full-color, gorgeous images provide the reader with the inspiration they need to take their own Photoshop skills to the next level. From coverage of different types of software and hardware right through to how to work with filters, painting in photography to layers and masking, and everything in between, no creative stone is left unturned in this brilliant new resource for the savvy photographer and Photoshop user.