Among the most important texts of Zen literature is the Lin-chi lu, which details the insights and exploits of the great ninth-century Chinese Zen master Lin-chi, one of the most highly regarded of the T'ang period masters. PEN Translation Prize-winner Burton Watson presents an eloquent translation of this seminal classic for modern readers -- the only English-language version of the Lin-chi lu available.
Lin-chi's style of Zen -- encouraging the use of unorthodox teaching methods and stressing the importance of koan study -- is well known to Western readers and scholars, and is beautifully rendered in Watson's translation. The work is an exacting depiction of Lin-chi's words and actions, describing the Zen master's life and teachings and including a number of his sermons, long recognized for their brisk, evocative language. Watson contributes a lucid introduction, as well as a glossary and notes.