
    Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: The Role of Rare Earths in Catalysis (Volume 29) (Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Volume 29)

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    Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: The Role of Rare Earths in Catalysis (Volume 29) (Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Volume 29)


    Among the numerous applications of the rare-earth elements, the field of catalysis accounts for a large number. Catalysis represents approximately 20% of the total market sales of rare earths worldwide. As a matter of fact two main applications have been prominent in the last decades: zeolite stabilization for fluid cracking catalysts, and automotive post-combustion catalytic treatment.

    The oldest use of rare earths in catalysis deals with the structural and chemical stabilization of the zeolites for petroleum cracking applications. For a long time this has been an area of application for non-separated rare earths. The addition of several percent of rare earths in the pores of the zeolite results in a strong surface acidity, which is essential for an efficient conversion of high-weight molecules into lighter species, like low-octane fuel, even in the very aggressive conditions of the petroleum industry.

    The popular demand for high-quality air in spite of the traffic congestion in large cities resulted in larger and larger constraints in the emission exhaust from cars. Thus highly efficient catalysts have had to be designed, and due to the combination of its redox properties and very good thermal stability, cerium oxide has been since the beginning, early in the 1980s, a major component of the three-way catalysts (TWC) now used in all modern gasoline cars.

    The future of rare earths in catalysis is probably bright. The fact that approximately 400 patents are applied for yearly in the area since 1992 is an illustration of a very active area. Usage of rare earths in catalysis is expected to grow due to their highly specific properties. Instead of the physical propertiesused in electronic applications, one deals now with redox properties, water and thermal stability, coordination numbers and so forth. The rare earths are so specific in these properties that their use can hardly be avoided, not only for the beauty of academic studies but a

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    Bound edition
    Number of pages:
    Publication date:
    North Holland
    Bound edition
    Number of pages:
    Publication date:
    North Holland


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