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Buy second-hand books and media online at momoxbooks
momoxbooks is your online shop with the biggest selection of used books, films, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, vinyl and games. Here, you can find more than four million second-hand books and media items with up to 70 percent off – from current bestsellers to classic works. Each product is hand-checked by us before we buy it.
momoxbooks: making it a breeze to find used items
Browse through our shop or search for a specific item with our search feature. momoxbooks is divided into clear sections and categories – so inspiration is easy to come by! At momoxbooks, you also have the option of filtering by price: you can target your search to bargains under EUR 2 or under EUR 10, for instance. It’s worth checking out what’s available on a regular basis, with up to 100,000 used items added to our range every day. The item you wanted just sold out? No problem! You can simply save it to your wish list and, if you’d like, we’ll email you when it comes back in stock. That’s why our shop lists certain sold- out items – they might be back in stock as early as tomorrow.
Second-hand media items – quality-tested and in great condition
Love reading, watching movies or gaming on your console or PC? Then you’ve come to the right place. You won’t only get your next favourite book cheaper: you’ll also be doing your bit to help the environment. When you make a purchase from momoxbooks, you boost the circular economy and help conserve resources. Second-hand media are also much cheaper – used products from momoxbooks cost up to 70% less than new media items. Let our sale inspire you: it’s a fantastic opportunity to save even more cash and grab an amazing bargain!
Another reason to choose momoxbooks: buying second-hand not only protects your wallet, but also the environment. This helps you be a responsible consumer and take a small stand against our throwaway society by giving books and media a second lease of life.
Buying second-hand – the benefits of using momoxbooks:
At momoxbooks, all second-hand media undergo quality testing. We are keen to sell items in the best possible condition. That’s why our products are available in four different conditions: like new, very good, good and acceptable. The price is dependent on the condition of the item in question. Within our categories, you can also filter by condition and, say, only display articles that are ‘like new’. Quality control is an important part of our process. The condition of every single used item is checked visually in our warehouse, and we ensure everything works just as it should. Buy second-hand at momoxbooks – join now:
- A reliable, secure shopping experience
- Up to 70% cheaper than buying new
- More than 4 million quality-tested articles
- Be part of the second-hand community
Ordering & shipping at momoxbooks
Shipping within Germany is free of charge for orders of EUR 19 and above. If your order value is less than EUR 19, your shipping costs will be just EUR 1.99 per order. At checkout, you can choose between all the usual payment methods, such as PayPal, direct debit, credit card, direct transfer, invoice or Amazon Payments. Got questions about your order or want more information about the shop? Get in touch with our support team by phone, via the contact form or by email!
momoxbooks is certified by Trusted Shops.
momoxbooks magazine: exciting insights into the world of books, films, music and games
Our momoxbooks online shop doesn’t just sell used media items at favourable prices: there’s much more to discover. The momoxbooks magazine features a wealth of exciting articles on top books, movies, music and games so you can dive into fascinating worlds and soak up inspiration. Here, you will find reviews and recommendations as well as background information on your favourite works. Visit the momoxbooks magazine to explore even more options for your second-hand shopping experience.
How can I sell items on momoxbooks or momox?
You can only buy used goods here in our momoxbooks online shop. If you want to quickly and easily sell your old books, CDs, DVDs or games, head to our purchase page momox. Here, we buy your used items for a fixed price in just a few steps. Simply enter the barcode or ISBN, or effortlessly scan them with the app, receive the purchase price, package up the goods and send everything to momox free of charge. Once we’ve checked over your items, you’ll receive your money quickly and securely.
The momoxbooks team hopes you have lots of fun shopping second-hand!